Bread! Day 11
5/21/20 4:50 pm
I decided not to make a fire, after all, today because it was so hot outside already! I started looking for bread recipes and found a few that had you bake it on a camp stove. I made the dough and put it outside in the sun to help it rise faster.
While it was rising I started putting bags together for making my own cake mix. It was so nice outside in the shade I wanted to spend some time outside, so I grabbed my crazy creek and sat outside my dorm, and started writing up the recipes for my mini-cookbook for Mountain Classroom. After about 2 hours my dough was double the size so I went to work setting up the stove. It was fun being right outside my dorm because people would stop by to see what I was doing. I had some friends come and hang out with me while I was setting up, which was nice to have some company.
The recipe I found didn’t have many instructions. There was no bake time, what heat the stove should be on, or if you needed to put anything else in the pan. I made an educated guess and poured a bunch of oil into the pan, turned the heat all the way up, and covered it with the Outback Oven. I set a timer for 10 minutes and waited.
The timer went off and I took the lid off with bated breath. I lifted the bread to see a nice golden brown crispy crust!
I flipped it and covered it back up for another 10 minutes. The other side got a little darker so I decided to take it off the heat, but keep it covered so it would keep baking for another 10-15 minutes.
I cut the bread in half and saw it was cooked all the way through! It also tasted pretty good if you ask me, or anyone else who tried it.
I worked for around 4 hours today which means I now have 44 hours total. I’m going to be trying the cake tomorrow so everyone keep your fingers crossed! - Sophie
Wow, Sophie, that nice crispy golden-brown crust looks amazing...